Christmas 2011

Why am I just now posting about Christmas of 2011??? Well, I’m just now getting around to finishing the post that I started after Christmas last year!!! My apologies, but still wanted to post it to record the special moments from Carson’s 3rd Christmas. Now that the summer is here I’ll do my best to get caught up (Jan. through May)! So here it goes…

We had a busy week visiting family and celebrating Christmas. We spent Tuesday night celebrating birthdays (Uncle Trey and Grandmother) and took Carson to Lights of the South, Wed. at Grandmommy’s house, Thurs. at Granny and Grandaddy’s house, Friday at Aunt Sweetpea’s house, Christmas Eve at Papa and Nee Nee’s house, and Christmas day at Ta Toe and Toots’ house…. did I say busy??? Carson had a blast and our house is busting at the seams with trains! I think Santa and I got in the bed around 3:45 a.m. on Christmas day, but those bright eyes full of wonder Christmas morning where very much worth it! Carson insisted on leaving sweet tea and cookies for Santa NOT milk! As we settled down we were sure to talk about Santa and the fun to come, but also the importance of why we celebrate Christmas (Carson’s version… Happy Birfday Jesus)! Sharing a few pics of our week and our little man… He has been one happy camper in his world of trains! Hope you and yours had a wonderful Christmas as well!Checking to see if Santa enjoyed his sweet tea and cookies! Santa left a letter!Lots of suprises! :)

Catching Up!

Ok, so it’s been FOREVER since I posted… never enough hours in the day! The title pretty much sums it up… catching up since I last posted which was over a month ago. The good news is that since we had tubes put in Carson is doing MUCH better! I am scared to say it out loud, but he is doing great and this is the longest span we have had since I can remember without sickness… definately an answered prayer in the Chalker house! ๐Ÿ™‚ The not so good news is that we have one more week of school until out for the Christmas holidays and this is one of the craziest weeks of the school year, so I’ll catch up with some pics of what’s been going around here lately… (I actually started this post a week ago and just now finishing it, thus the one more week of school that is now OVER!!!!!)

We spent Thanksgiving day with family (lunch with Brett’s family and dinner with mine). Pretty much a relaxed day, taking time to count our blessings!

Of course, we are gearing up for Christmas… an exciting time with a 2 1/2 year old (esp. a ROTTEN one)!!! Carson is sooooo excited this year as he is old enough to understand the arrival of santa and presents. We have an elf, Jingle, who watches out to make sure we are “nice” and he reports back to Santa daily… think we may keep him around all year! ๐Ÿ˜‰
We always have to “deck” Carson out in DAWG attire when seeing Uncle Greg (Tech fan)! ๐Ÿ™‚

Visiting with cousins, Davis and Mallory.All wrapped up with Mallory and Davis ๐Ÿ™‚


All wrapped up with Mallory and Davis ๐Ÿ™‚


"Hammin' it up" with Papa!


We found Jingle (the elf) in his stocking ๐Ÿ™‚

Singing Jingle Bells!

Shouting “HO HO HO”!!!

Visit with Santa... he acted like a pro... sat on his lap and told him what he wanted for Christmas, which was much different than last year as he wouldn't even look at him!!!:)


Nice title, I know… BUT that’s what we’ve been dealing with around here the past two days! We made our second trip to the Columbia fair with Carson on Wed. evening (that’s the only way we got him out of there the first trip… telling him we would go back!). Afterwards, we headed to Chicfila. Less than a minute after entering, Carson started coughing/gagging and whining. Uncle Trey (smart guy) hands him to me and the puking began! He had previously started on an antibiotic for a sinus infection, so we were optimistic is thinking that he may have just gotten choked on drainage. Nee Nee ran to Target for new clothes and we decided to eat since he perked right back up and we were all starving at 9:00 p.m.! Carson ate like a champ… NOT a good thing!!! Maybe five minutes after leaving from eating as Brett and I are discussing him getting sick… he informs us from the back seat that his stomach hurts. I immediately pull over, but not fast enough!!! PUKE everywhere and choking strapped in his car seat! We are on the side ofย  Belair road inย Evans with a 30 min. drive home and it is now 10:00p.m., not to mention a car seat full of puke! While I am stripping him down from the new clothes just purchased by Nee Nee at Target, Brett calls Nee Nee before she gets too far from us and asks that she come meet us with her car seat so that we can get him safely home. What a trip! A rough night with plenty of puke and clothes/towels/etc. washing and I came down with it early the next morning. Thus, the title… PUKE… we’ve had plenty of it the past two days! If you’ve tuned in for my last few posts….. we just can’t seem to get well around here! On a positive note… he had fun at the fair! ๐Ÿ™‚

Never enough hours in the day…

It’s been so long since my last post that I had read it to know where I left off! Since, we have had tubes put in and hoping that this is going to be the trick to less sickness! After two antibiotics, 3 rocephrin shots, daily singulair, zyrtec, and pulmicort breathing treatments, and surgery for tubes… we are finally well (other than a cold that started Friday). KNOCK ON WOOD!!!

There never seems to be enough hours in the day, but weย have been able to sneak in some fall fun… a trip to Steed’s Dairy Farm with Uncle Trey last weekend.

Not quite sure what the trick or treating will be, but we will at least dress up and get some pics! ๐Ÿ™‚

Just finishing this post, a week later… so here’s a few pics of the trip to Steed’s!


An update on the sickness around here… We’ve had a rough week! Carson is now on TWO antibiotics AND a steroid after blood work and both a chest xray and an xray of his sinuses yesterday. Of course, the blood work was NOT fun! Evidently he has no veins in his arms…. this being the second time that they couldn’t get anything. They ended up getting enough out of pricking two fingers after missing in his little arm once… poor baby! ๐Ÿ˜ฆ The blood work came back good thankfully (good counts and whatever else they were looking for). The chest xray indicated a mild case of bronchitis and the xray of his sinuses indicated that they were EXTREMELY irritated according to his Dr. Thus, the steroid to help boost/clear his airways. Needless to say he and I are both worn out! Hopefully the upcoming week will be better and we can both get some much needed sleep and back into our routine. What scares me is that the weather is still warm and we haven’t yet hit the “sick season”… I’ve already missed 6 days of school with one or both of us being sick… UGH!

On a brighter note, JennyKay and I are starting a little photography business! ๐Ÿ™‚ We both love photography, especially photographing children. We have both invested in great cameras and have had plenty of practice on Carson over the past two and a half years! ๐Ÿ™‚ FYI just in case you or someone you know might be interested…. Little Memories Photography!!! We have a facebook page with some of our work and hopefully a website to come!

Still breathing… BARELY!!!

We are still breathing… BARELY! School is back in full force for the Chalker’s which unfortunately means…. sickness! Carson stayed well over the summer and since school started back we have been battling one thing after another. He has been sick since last Thursday with fever and a bad cough…. back to the Dr. we go today after being on a strong antibiotic and Tylenol/Motrin since Thurs.! I feel so helpless and hate when he doesn’t feel well. ๐Ÿ˜ฆย  Restless nights and trying to stay caught up at school is taking its toll! Just wanted to let you know that we are still breathing!!!


Good news…. Diane is ok!!! She is home and resting. Carson is also better and back to on the go 24 – 7. Bad news…. Now I”m sick!!!!!! What gives??? I think I’m going to start playing the lottery so that I can stay home and maybe then we can stay well! I leave you with a pic of my little man and his newest Thomas addition (Thanks for the Thomas hat Kay Kay!) ๐Ÿ™‚

Weak eyes from not feeling well... but still a cutie! ๐Ÿ™‚

What a start…

What a start we’ve had for back to school! I was so “ahead of the game” or so I thought. More organized than usual and ready for the kiddos. Sunday rolls around and Monday starts my first full week back to work with students and Carson starts running a temp. on Sun. night… just my luck! Luckily, “Ta Toe” doesn’t go in to work until the afternoon so he has been a life saver this past week. I only had to take 1/2 a day on Monday (the 3rd day of school with students) thanks to “Ta Toe”. Monday night,ย Carson’s temp spiked to 104.5… scary. We were on the phone with the on call nurse, giving sponge baths, and making sure he got meds every 3 hours (alternating ibuprofen and tylenol)… and still 104 through much of the night/early morning…. a long night for all three of us! So, I was home all day with Carson Tues., 1/2 day again on Wed. in the afternoon so “Ta Toe” could go to work, an hour early on Thurs. (as Carson was back at the sitter but not feeling his best, and planned for a full day on Friday. Carson was feeling better andย at “Miss Di’s”, his sitter….for a few hours anyway. The school secretary came to my classroom door to share with me that Carson had to be picked up because Diane was sick (Diane is the babysitter). Well, this NEVER happens… so I was worried about her and frantic about what to do with him. Again, “Ta Toe” came to the rescue and picked him up for me within the half hour. I left early AGAIN to relieve “Ta Toe” in time for him to get to work. WHEW… what a week! Surely, next week HAS to be better!!! I have a back up plan for Carson anyhow… we’ll see! NOT a good time to be out with just getting started and trying to inforce rules and procedures… I’ve had a week of “first days”! Please pray for our sitter, Diane. She was experiencing chest pains and EMT’s were called and later she was taken to the ER to be checked out. She is now at University for observation and testing. Thank the Lord, no heart attack, but may haveย  a blockage. We LOVE Diane and she has been WONDERFUL… don’t know what we would do without her!

This pic of Carson pretty much sums up the week!